Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Time to start this thing back up.

OK so I stopped posting on here. I am sorry. Lets try this agian.

Not much has changed from before.. and at the same time a lot is. We have visted St. Louis (pictures coming I swear) and we plan on moving there come July. However we have yet to find a place to live. We had some promising prospects but nothing has panned out quite yet. I don't have a jobbed lined up yet either. I am a tad worried about that, but confident I wil lget soemthing eventually. the goal is to get something before my savings runs dry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Savings, you have savings? How did that happen? Wait, I'm sure you owe me something! hehe

Best of luck with the apartment and job hunting. We may be visiting you early July (6th & 7th) - or not.