Saturday, June 28, 2008

Going Away Party

A lot of people from my work got together last evening at a local Mexican Restaurant to see me away to St. Louis. Some fun was had by all, as well as some alcohol. In the two years that I have spent here, I have met a lot of interesting people. A lot of them I still don't know half as much as I would of liked. It is bittersweet to leave Richmond, it is an interesting town, not too big, not too small, I believe it gets a bad rap, mainly due to it's reputation for a high crime rate. The crazy political infighting doesn't help either.

Anyway back to the party. Here are some pictures of the Festivities. Thanks to all that came out, and all that weren't able to make it, you have made the last two years including the 304 on-call days a fun and enjoyable experience.

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