Tuesday, January 22, 2008


We had a little bit of snow fall over the weekend. It all came on Saturday, and some of it still hasn't left yet. I have a few pictures I will be posting later when I get home. It was only a dusting. Nothing too special to be honest. Even though I worked all through the snow, neither to roads nor my job really suffered greatly because of it. I will say however that thermals are the way to go to stay comfortable. I a pair of long johns has made the cold not feel that bad at all. Now that I have good ear-muffs as well, I say bring it on.

Snow Out the Back Porch

Snow in the Trees

Drive by picture taking.. random yard.

1 comment:

A contraluz said...

What a prettier place!! ... I have come up to your blog casually and these photos have fascinated me ... I surprise these covered with snow landscapes!
Forgives me,please,because my English isn´t very good. Nonetheless, I´ll return to visit you.