Monday, August 11, 2008

The Trip to Cabo.

Ok so the pictures are up for Cabo, but how was it? Well it was a great time. The school year before last Kim hosted Gerardo and exchange student from Cabo so we were really lucky and had local friends that were able to hook us up with local deals as well, as show us what to do and what to avoid.

Being on the Tip of the Baja Peninsula, Cabo San Lucas and San Jose del Cabo felt like they were cut off from the rest of Mexico. We took a 4 wheeler ride up a small portion of the Gulf side of the Peninsula, and found a lot of open undeveloped land dotted by small little housing groups of four or five houses every so often. We also drove up to Todos Los Santos, on the Pacific Ocean side, to see the Eagles inspiration for the song “Hotel California.” The trip that way was a windy road with beautiful scenery but not much in the way of development.

The land of Cabo was quite interesting; it is a mountainous region with a lot of hills rolling into the ocean. However there is tons of construction going on in the area, be it a house or a resort. It is hard to tell however where the construction ends and the land begins, for the hills themselves look more like dirt piles for construction then natural formations. They are sparsely covered with growth. Lot of them look like they would take a major erosion hit if there was any kind of heavy rain. However we were told it never rains in Cabo more than a light sprinkle which the earth quickly absorbs.

Being one who had never seen the Pacific Ocean until now, it was an interesting site. Much more violent then the tame Atlantic, but from the shore the waves didn’t look that bad or big. The Water on the shore line is about the same color as the Atlantic but gets a nice sea green color quite fast further out to see.

I did try my hand at body surfing on a boogie board(with 1 flipper), and found that the waves and the currant are a lot stronger then they looked. I didn’t do too well. I rode one wave a pretty long while, it was fun but felt really reckless for I had pretty much no control. The next wave I tried knocked the board from my hands and pretty much dragged all the way in. Being taken by the wave wasn’t a fun experience; in fact it was a bit scary. The board was attacked to my wrist and being pulled by the wave. I knew I wasn’t strong enough to fight it, but it takes a lot of energy to stay on the surface of the water, as well as not to be flipped about and hurt that way. After the wave let go of my board I was spent. I knew after that I couldn’t safely continue so I made my way to shore; which in itself takes a lot of energy. That was my only real foray into the Pacific that didn’t include a boat.

One of the big things I was looking forward to in this trip to Cabo, was the food. I really enjoy American-Mexican restaurants, but always wondered if it was really the real deal. Well the answer is, yes and no. The food in Cabo seemed a lot simpler then the stuff you get in America, while still tasting a lot better. One main difference is most things like fajita’s enchiladas and quesadillas by default come with soft corn tortillas rather than the floor that you mainly get in America. Also one thing that I ate a lot of and thoroughly enjoyed was Ceviche.

Ceviche is something you put on round tostados or saltines akin to chicken salad. It is made up of some form of seafood like, shrimp, calamari or my favorite marlin. Fruit acid is then added, mainly lime and the like, which cooks the seafood without it ever touching heat. You add a lot of salsa components onions, tomatoes, cilantro and whatever else might go well. It is eaten a lot with avocado, but I don’t care for that at all.

While there were things like Applebee’s, Chili’s and McDonalds, in Cabo, we forced Gerardo to take us only to the restaurant’s the locals go to. It was quite interesting to note that in the city of San Jose del Cabo, there were little outdoor restaurants on just about every street . One of our favorites(we went their 3 times) was this little place called “guacamayo” named after a bird native to Mexico. They had great pork tacos with Pineapple onions and a lot of cilantro. In fact almost every dish in Mexico included cilantro.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Zoo

We went to the zoo awhile back. Saint Louis Zoo is interesting. It is completly free (except the 10 dollar parking fee) and has many diffrent kind of animals. When we went it was completly packed. Here are some pictures..

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

View From New Loft

It's a nice view actually.

We don't officially move in until July 7th.

New Place

Here are some Pictures of our new loft in downtown Saint Louis.
You have the outside, street view. Right across the street (not pictured) is the local downtown YMCA.
You have a long Hallway with bathroom and utility room off to the left.
Then the Main room with the three windows. The door you see on the right is to the 2nd bedroom.
There is a view into the master bedroom. It is quite large. The master bath is through the door.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Going Away Party

A lot of people from my work got together last evening at a local Mexican Restaurant to see me away to St. Louis. Some fun was had by all, as well as some alcohol. In the two years that I have spent here, I have met a lot of interesting people. A lot of them I still don't know half as much as I would of liked. It is bittersweet to leave Richmond, it is an interesting town, not too big, not too small, I believe it gets a bad rap, mainly due to it's reputation for a high crime rate. The crazy political infighting doesn't help either.

Anyway back to the party. Here are some pictures of the Festivities. Thanks to all that came out, and all that weren't able to make it, you have made the last two years including the 304 on-call days a fun and enjoyable experience.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

7 Days and Counting

Well Next Sunday is my Last Day as a photojournalist at NBC12. I started June 18th 2006, so I worked there for just over 2 years. For those of you that don't know that is about average for someone under 30 in the broadcast news business. You work somewhere two years and move on. I think average is about 2.75, but those last .75 you are just trying to find another job. Me I am I skipping that part. It's a risky move, but hopefully it will all pan out in the end.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Ever wonder what a Media Circus looks like?

This is a random field in Blaskburg Va. Not really anywhere in particular, just were they stuffed all the media outside Virginia Tech, as the Media descended once again, one year to the day of the horrible massacre.

This of course was only a small number of the Media outlets around. A lot were in the Parking lot of a Holiday Inn. Which was across the street from a VT sign, that they used as a backdrop. Us, we had the Stadium in the distance about a quarter of a mile away.

Lets just say the locals didn't take too kindly to us being there.

Long Overdue Pictures from St. Loius

THE Arch Of Course


Busch Stadium ( the view from our Hotel)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Time to start this thing back up.

OK so I stopped posting on here. I am sorry. Lets try this agian.

Not much has changed from before.. and at the same time a lot is. We have visted St. Louis (pictures coming I swear) and we plan on moving there come July. However we have yet to find a place to live. We had some promising prospects but nothing has panned out quite yet. I don't have a jobbed lined up yet either. I am a tad worried about that, but confident I wil lget soemthing eventually. the goal is to get something before my savings runs dry.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Ahh a Hybrid

So my work has joined the Eco revolution. I now am driving a Prius as my work vehicle. The car is interesting. I get about 43.5 miles per gallon with it. It gets up and goes fairly well, despite what I had heard. One of the more interesting features that comes with these new cars is my ability to get into them and start them without the keys even leaving my pocket. Apparently the car senses that the keys are close by and unlocks the door just by me pulling the handle. The one odd thing however is there is no key thing to turn just a power button. Just like it is a computer or something. It is quite strange. The problem is however that the car is so quiet while running. There have been many times were I have left the car for an hour or so while it was still on. I place the car in park(which is a button as well.. quite odd) and get out without remember that I forgot to turn it off. This usually happens when I had the radio turned so I don't have any real audible Que. So far I am quite pleased with the car, and with the 3.09 gas prices I wouldn't mind getting one of these for myself :). However from what I understand, if these things do break, (which none of the the 5 we have at the station have, the oldest being just over a year) they are a pain to fix. Just that the parts are specialized and most mechanics don't know how to fix them. The only other issue is the driver seat doesn't go as far back as I would like. I Just need an inch or so more and it would be great. But hey I am picky.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Meet Puck

Saturday, we went over the the SPCA and found a little mischievous bundle to take home.

He's a cute little thing, and right now has the tentative name of "Puck." For his Mischievous nature as well as his tendency to bounce around all over the apartment. He likes to run and slide on our Hard wood Floors.

All of the Pictures where taken at the SPCA.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


We had a little bit of snow fall over the weekend. It all came on Saturday, and some of it still hasn't left yet. I have a few pictures I will be posting later when I get home. It was only a dusting. Nothing too special to be honest. Even though I worked all through the snow, neither to roads nor my job really suffered greatly because of it. I will say however that thermals are the way to go to stay comfortable. I a pair of long johns has made the cold not feel that bad at all. Now that I have good ear-muffs as well, I say bring it on.

Snow Out the Back Porch

Snow in the Trees

Drive by picture taking.. random yard.

Monday, January 14, 2008

New Place

Well we started the Move on Jan 2nd, and as of now we are 99% moved out of our last places. Still have some small things to do with cleaning and some final once overs, but that is all. We are not living out of boxes, but we still have a lot of them around. I took a few haphazard pictures before the furniture started to be moved in. I guess these are the "before" pictures. I will be a couple weeks before we are ready for some after Pictures.

Living Room. (I'm not quite in the far corner) The dining room is to the left there. The right opening that you see leads to the front door(right) and then to the kitchen and hallway to the back rooms(left)

This is the the kitchen. Taken from the breakfast nook. Here you can also see Kim on the phone with the movers.

Dining room. Door ahead leads to breakfast nook, and to the left is
obviously our back porch balcony. A lot larger then my last balcony I'll add.

Hall way. To the right is the Master bedroom. (Kim's) If you look closely you can see that there is two openings to the left. The first is to the computer room, the second to my bedroom. At the end of the hall of course is 1 of the bathrooms.

This eventually became our Computer room. (Where I am sitting right now typing things)So it will probably remain that dark.


Christmas has come and gone now. This is the first year that I can remember that I put up a Christmas tree in my apartment. But of course I had help.
It was a small thing but it served it's purpose quite well.
It is sort of disheartening that Christmas time has already come and gone, but then again my checking account is glad it is gone. I hope not to have to work on Christmas next year. It did put a damper on things and make it so I couldn't spend as much time as I wanted with friends and family.
I hope that everyone has had a Happy Holiday Season, and so far a great New Year.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

And So it Begins

I will try my hand at a blog. Yup the old blog. Thoughts events things going on. Hopefully I can keep family and friends entertained and up to date on things going on. Since it seems I have been quite bad at doing that as of late. Here is my first post. No information given yet :)