Saturday, June 28, 2008

Going Away Party

A lot of people from my work got together last evening at a local Mexican Restaurant to see me away to St. Louis. Some fun was had by all, as well as some alcohol. In the two years that I have spent here, I have met a lot of interesting people. A lot of them I still don't know half as much as I would of liked. It is bittersweet to leave Richmond, it is an interesting town, not too big, not too small, I believe it gets a bad rap, mainly due to it's reputation for a high crime rate. The crazy political infighting doesn't help either.

Anyway back to the party. Here are some pictures of the Festivities. Thanks to all that came out, and all that weren't able to make it, you have made the last two years including the 304 on-call days a fun and enjoyable experience.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

7 Days and Counting

Well Next Sunday is my Last Day as a photojournalist at NBC12. I started June 18th 2006, so I worked there for just over 2 years. For those of you that don't know that is about average for someone under 30 in the broadcast news business. You work somewhere two years and move on. I think average is about 2.75, but those last .75 you are just trying to find another job. Me I am I skipping that part. It's a risky move, but hopefully it will all pan out in the end.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Ever wonder what a Media Circus looks like?

This is a random field in Blaskburg Va. Not really anywhere in particular, just were they stuffed all the media outside Virginia Tech, as the Media descended once again, one year to the day of the horrible massacre.

This of course was only a small number of the Media outlets around. A lot were in the Parking lot of a Holiday Inn. Which was across the street from a VT sign, that they used as a backdrop. Us, we had the Stadium in the distance about a quarter of a mile away.

Lets just say the locals didn't take too kindly to us being there.

Long Overdue Pictures from St. Loius

THE Arch Of Course


Busch Stadium ( the view from our Hotel)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Time to start this thing back up.

OK so I stopped posting on here. I am sorry. Lets try this agian.

Not much has changed from before.. and at the same time a lot is. We have visted St. Louis (pictures coming I swear) and we plan on moving there come July. However we have yet to find a place to live. We had some promising prospects but nothing has panned out quite yet. I don't have a jobbed lined up yet either. I am a tad worried about that, but confident I wil lget soemthing eventually. the goal is to get something before my savings runs dry.