Tuesday, January 22, 2008


We had a little bit of snow fall over the weekend. It all came on Saturday, and some of it still hasn't left yet. I have a few pictures I will be posting later when I get home. It was only a dusting. Nothing too special to be honest. Even though I worked all through the snow, neither to roads nor my job really suffered greatly because of it. I will say however that thermals are the way to go to stay comfortable. I a pair of long johns has made the cold not feel that bad at all. Now that I have good ear-muffs as well, I say bring it on.

Snow Out the Back Porch

Snow in the Trees

Drive by picture taking.. random yard.

Monday, January 14, 2008

New Place

Well we started the Move on Jan 2nd, and as of now we are 99% moved out of our last places. Still have some small things to do with cleaning and some final once overs, but that is all. We are not living out of boxes, but we still have a lot of them around. I took a few haphazard pictures before the furniture started to be moved in. I guess these are the "before" pictures. I will be a couple weeks before we are ready for some after Pictures.

Living Room. (I'm not quite in the far corner) The dining room is to the left there. The right opening that you see leads to the front door(right) and then to the kitchen and hallway to the back rooms(left)

This is the the kitchen. Taken from the breakfast nook. Here you can also see Kim on the phone with the movers.

Dining room. Door ahead leads to breakfast nook, and to the left is
obviously our back porch balcony. A lot larger then my last balcony I'll add.

Hall way. To the right is the Master bedroom. (Kim's) If you look closely you can see that there is two openings to the left. The first is to the computer room, the second to my bedroom. At the end of the hall of course is 1 of the bathrooms.

This eventually became our Computer room. (Where I am sitting right now typing things)So it will probably remain that dark.


Christmas has come and gone now. This is the first year that I can remember that I put up a Christmas tree in my apartment. But of course I had help.
It was a small thing but it served it's purpose quite well.
It is sort of disheartening that Christmas time has already come and gone, but then again my checking account is glad it is gone. I hope not to have to work on Christmas next year. It did put a damper on things and make it so I couldn't spend as much time as I wanted with friends and family.
I hope that everyone has had a Happy Holiday Season, and so far a great New Year.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

And So it Begins

I will try my hand at a blog. Yup the old blog. Thoughts events things going on. Hopefully I can keep family and friends entertained and up to date on things going on. Since it seems I have been quite bad at doing that as of late. Here is my first post. No information given yet :)