Friday, August 28, 2009

The Mantis that takes Saint Louis

GeoTagged, [N38.63223, E90.21501]

My friend is back and is rampaging through the city. Obviously he's grown. There must be an epidemic going on. No one is safe.

Seriously though this picture was taken from the 8th floor confrence room of my work. How she managed to climb 8 floors is a mystery.

Maybe she is trying to catch a bird.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

I'm not a taxicab you know?

GeoTagged, [N38.64109, E90.25272]

So what kind of fare do you charge a praying mantis anyway. I found this baby riding my trunk and tailfin this morning when I got to work. It scared rhe crap out of me walking up my trunk yo observe from the higher perch She wasn't to happy to have her picture taken. But I figured it's the least shecould do for me since I gave her a free ride. Atleast she didn't get too mad and bite my head off. It's not a bug you see everday. I hope she knows her way home.