Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentine’s Day Proposal

We had an eventful Valentine’s Day this year. I proposed to Kim. She thankfully said yes. We had a romantic evening to ourselves with flowers and chocolate covered strawberries and the like, it was a nice time and an ideal time to pop the question. I had been holding on to the ring for awhile waiting for the time to be right. I guess I am a romantic at heart in that regard. But I think the wait was well worth it.

One thing that I had not been expecting was all of the thousands of questions from the people we have told. Do you honestly think in less than 24 hours later we are already going to have a date chosen? Maybe people expect us to be prepared more, but everyone that knows me must know I am a bit of a procrastinator. Right now we are thinking over a 2010 wedding somewhere between March and May. Things are really up in the air in our life right now to try to pull something together sooner. We don’t expect to be in Saint Louis come a year from now so we probably won’t have it here. To save on traveling for all we are thinking Charlotte(which is our target destination for living as well by then.. but who knows)

Just two days later now and I have already seen a lot of dress choices, talked about venues, indoor or outdoor, catering, photographer, who to include in the wedding party and the like. Mind you no actual definite plans are being made I think we are just feeling out each other’s likes and dislikes. However the instant dive in caught me a bit by surprise.
But everything is good we are happy. I hope everyone else had a great valentine’s weekend as well.