Saturday, July 2, 2011

Camping Pics.

So I went Camping a few weeks back. It was a very wet affair. The first night we had a nice thunderstorm pass overhead and I found out the tent I was in leaked. I had not used any seam sealer on it. The second night it was very bad severe thunderstorm the tent had gotten so soaked that it was constantly dripping through the fly. However I did manage to take some nice nature pictures on a hike. Enjoy.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Winter Snow

So it's Christmas Eve and we have snow. A lot of it actually. Suppose to get about 6-8 inches now.. It used to be 3-5 this morning but it has come down more than they expected. it is days like this that make me glad I no longer work in the news business. I no longer have to film cars that have slid off the roads, or set up live shots in the snow and freeze my butt off. My condolences to all my Camera Jockey friends out there stuck out in the snow. Stay warm, enjoy some hot cocoa, and don't slip on the ice.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Andrew the Handyman

GeoTagged, [N38.61235, E90.26446]

I hung a new potrack today. Man it was a lot of work. I don't know how old this house Is but back then they must of used 2 inch thick drywall and cured hardwood I had the hardest time drilling into them. Not to mention using a mere adjustable wrench to screw the 3 inch bolts into the wall. I only had to do some minor adjusting to fit the pot rack on the bolts but it's still very much secure(I hope) and level.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


I took a few picture of the fall leaves around the area here. Most are from the Park just down the road. I meant to post them a couple weeks back but I have been slack. I am working on that through.

These were taken after work so I really had to rush before the light got too dim.

I plan take a bunch more shots once the leaves are totally gone to get the winter feel, and maybe some more once we have snow. Yes I know it's coming. I don't particularly want it. But alas I do not controll the weather.

(you can click on the images to see bigger versions of them pictures)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Gettin old

I'm getting old now my eyes are starting to go. They aren't that bad but I'm having trouble reading street signs when driving in the dark. The glasses do make everything crisper that's for sure. So there you have it no longer one of those youngins. Though I think ahead of the curve being most of my family had thier first pair by age 25.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Our new home

GeoTagged, [N38.61225, E90.26464]

Here is the front of our new home. Notice our little hobbit door. We are across the street from the botanical gardens. We have a nice back yard as well, nice for grilling. Expect more pictures soon from a real camera.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Lots of beer

This barrell will take one person drinking a beer an hour 137 years to empty. My question. Where is the worlds largest pretzel to help wash it down?